Hello, I'm a

Java Developer

About Me


I am Amit Vaghamshi ...

A passionate JAVA Back-End Developer, Dedicated to developing robust applications that interact with the Backend part of web applications. Extensive expertise in website architecture, design, and web design, and web API designs. Problem-solving mindset with a goal to optimize my application for better stability and speed. Love to work in a team.




Tiny Grow

Tiny Grow is an online nursery application that provides an online marketplace for buying and selling plants and gardening supplies.

Tech Stack: JAVA | Springboot | Mysql | Hibernate | Postman

Human Resource Management System

This project is based on managing employee by admins where employee can make some requests and admins can handle requests

Tech Stack: JAVA | Mysql | Jdbc

Code Cov

Codecov is the leading, dedicated code coverage solution. Codecov provides metrics and insights into the results of tests through code coverage reports.

Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | Javascript

Grow Smarter

Grow smarter is a financial solution-based site.Grow smarter is a SaaS product company. They build subscription and billing software For Business.

Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | Javascript

My Github Calender

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